Typical Signs of a Medium Entering a Trance State

“Shamanic states of consciousness (SSC) go back to the dawn of the middle Paleolithic ‘cognitive revolution’ some 70,000 years ago. They represent humanity’s most ancient spiritual tradition that lies at the core of religion and culture as we know them today.”Pierre Flor-Henry, Yakov Shapiro, and Corine Sombrun

The authors go on to explain, “The category of altered states of consciousness (ASCs), to which trance experiences belong, forms the second domain of conscious experience in addition to ordinary states of consciousness (OSCs). Trance is defined as a temporary marked alteration in the state of consciousness or loss of customary sense of personal identity.”

This may be an inherent gift or an acquired skill.

Yes you too, can learn to connect with Spirit, discern energies, and provide evidential readings.

Arthur Findlay College

In her training sessions, you’ll explore both trance and mental mediumship techniques under the guidance of Loriann, a professional psychic medium trained at Arthur Findlay College.

“Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the flimsiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. … No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite discarded. How to regard them is the question, for they are so discontinuous with ordinary consciousness.” – William James, Varieties of Religious Experience, 1902

This is not just a training event; it’s a transformative journey designed to enhance your skills and confidence as a medium.

NBC News reported, “The supernatural experience of having the dead communicate through the living has now been analyzed with brain scans.” These are now scientifically proven changes in consciousness. They can be attained through training and practice.

These are some of the typical signs and behaviors associated with a medium entering a trance state:

Altered Breathing Patterns:

  • As a medium enters a trance state, their breathing often becomes noticeably slower and deeper. This change reflects a shift into a more relaxed and meditative state, which is conducive to spiritual connection. The rhythm of their breath may become more rhythmic, indicating a calming of the mind and body.

Physical Relaxation:

  • The medium’s body may exhibit signs of relaxation, with reduced tension in the muscles. This can manifest as a slumping of the shoulders, a softening of the jaw, or a general stillness. The relaxation allows the medium to become more receptive to spiritual energies and messages.

Facial Changes:

  • Facial expressions may soften significantly as the medium enters a trance. This can include a serene or peaceful expression, and at times, the features may take on a different quality, reflecting the personality or emotions of the spirit communicating. Some mediums may even appear to embody characteristics of the spirit, such as changes in posture or demeanor.

Eye Movement:

  • While many mediums close their eyes during trance, some may keep them open but exhibit a distant or unfocused gaze. This unfocused look indicates that the medium is less aware of their physical surroundings and more attuned to the spiritual realm. When eyes are closed, the medium may appear to be in deep concentration.

Vocal Changes:

  • One of the most distinctive signs of trance mediumship is a change in the voice. The medium’s tone, pitch, and quality may shift, sometimes becoming deeper, softer, or adopting a different accent or dialect. This vocal transformation can indicate that a spirit is communicating through the medium, and the content of the messages may reflect the spirit’s personality or background.

Altered Consciousness:

  • The medium may exhibit signs of altered consciousness, appearing to be in a trance-like state where they are less aware of their immediate environment. This can include a lack of responsiveness to external stimuli, such as sounds or movements around them. Friends or observers may notice that the medium seems to be in a different world, focused entirely on the spirit communication.

Body Language:

  • Body language during trance can vary widely. Some mediums may remain completely still, while others might sway gently or exhibit subtle movements as if responding to the energy of the spirits. These movements can reflect the influence of the spirit, as the medium becomes a conduit for their messages.

Messages from Spirits:

  • As the medium becomes fully immersed in the trance state, they may begin to relay messages from spirits. This communication often occurs in the first person, as if the medium is channeling the spirit directly. The messages can include personal anecdotes, guidance, or reassurances intended for the living, often delivered with emotional depth and clarity.

Time Distortion:

  • Time may seem to distort for the medium during a trance session. They might feel as though only a few moments have passed, while in reality, much more time has elapsed. This phenomenon occurs because the medium’s focus is so deeply engaged in the spiritual connection that they lose track of the physical world’s passage of time.

Emotional Release:

  • Emotional responses can be a significant aspect of trance mediumship. The medium may experience moments of laughter, tears, or other strong emotions as they connect with the spirit world. These emotional releases often reflect the messages being conveyed and can provide healing for both the medium and the recipients of the messages.

Physical Sensations:

  • Some mediums report physical sensations, such as tingling, warmth, or pressure in various parts of their body, as they enter a trance state. These sensations can indicate the presence of spirit energy and may vary from person to person.

Post-Trance Confusion:

  • After emerging from a trance, mediums may experience a brief period of confusion or disorientation. This can be due to the transition back to normal consciousness and the sudden awareness of their surroundings. It may take a moment for them to process the messages they delivered and to reconnect with the present moment.

These signs collectively indicate that the medium is in a deep state of connection with the spirit world, allowing for profound and meaningful communication. Observers may find the experience both fascinating and moving, as the medium serves as a bridge between the living and the departed.

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